/ only connect - dissertation - REFERENCES \

This page contains an on-going list of the resources that have contributed to the development of both the project and the dissertation.

Barnes & Todd (1995) Communication and Learning Revisited, Heinemann, Portsmouth NH

Bush T & Middlewood D (eds) (1997) Managing People in Education, Paul Chapman Publishing, London

Boud D (ed), (1988) Developing Student Autonomy in Learning, Kogan Page, London

Chazan M, Laing AF, Davies D & Phillips R (1998) Helping Socially Withdrawn and Isolated Children and Adolescents, Cassell, London

Collis B (1996) Tele-learning in a Digital World, Thompson, London

McConnell D, (1994) Implementing Computer Supported Learning, Kogan Page, London

McNiff J, Lomax P & Whitehead J (1996) You and Your Action Research Project, Routledge, London

Miller A (1996) Pupil Behaviour and Teacher Culture, Cassell, London

Whitaker P (1997) Prinamary Schoold and the Future, Open University Press, Buckingham